Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Marla Olmstead abstract art

On this project we had to make a painting in photoshop of our representation of the work of Marla Olmstead in "Wy kid could paint that."This is the best i could create and think of.

Visual puns

On this project we had to think of puns like eggplant, and make a visual pun that makes an eggplant but for example, make a plant that grows eggs. I chose hedgehog, eyeball, chickpeas, and a flower bulb. On each of these we had to use: overlay, threshold, posterize, or gradient map. I used gradient map on the hedgehog, overlay on the chickpeas, threshold on the eyeball, and posterize on the lower bulb.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Before and After

after content-aware

On this project we had to take a picture and use the history brush to select part of the image to go away. To make the picture look realistic, when you delete the selected are, you select content aware in the drop-down menu and you are left with the picture without the previously selected area. I chose a pictures of girls playing soccer and deleted the soccer ball and the spray paint lines and such that i felt the picture looked better without.



On this project we had to make a kaleidoscope image after watching the youtube tutorial        "Kaleidoscope-week 33."I took some of the pictures from my already downloaded pictures from spirit week, and just followed the directions on the video. I played around a lot with using different pictures for the background, the foreground, and the layer in between. here are the 3 pictures and 2 kaleidoscopes i made from them.

Four Square

On this project we had to take a photo and project it into four squares and do something to each to make them unique from the others. I decided to choose a spirit week picture of captain hook from peter pan. I made two squares lighter and two squares darker. I used a lot of filters and different tools that affected the whole picture. To divide the canvas into four congruent squares, I turned on the grid and then went to the pen tool and made a line from the 4 inch dimensions, since i started with an 8 by 8 canvas.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


On this project, we had to take a background, find a contrasting picture, and place it in the shape of our body. I automatically thought of colors. I took a gray painting and then put the outline of a picture of me on it, and deleted that part of the gray painting. I then took multiple color paintings and lined then up in the body frame, and slightly altered them with the blur tool to look like they flowed. Next i decided i needed white and black, so i made text with white and a black outline. I then thought about self-expression and decided to put a quote about it, from John Turturro. Next time i would try the reverse and find a quote without self-expression. I am decently satisfied with the work.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Wordle.net project

Things that matter to me
On this project we were supposed to use Wordle.net to make a collage of words, with any words we wanted. I made these two pretty quickly i tried to get the main focus in each to stand out, in the sports one it was the word 'sport', in the one that has things that i care about, it was my name in all caps 'ETHAN'. For a while i played around with the font and the color scheme, but kept them both mostly horizontal. Next time i would use a completely different font and try to make the focusing word at the very center.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

15 green things

On this project we had to use 15 green images and make it into our own. We were allowed to change colors, put the images in any form we wanted to, we just had to use all the photos. As soon as i saw the car I immediately thought of making bumper stickers and stuff to be connected to and covering the car. I started by making one grass lawn out of the original one made smaller and duplicated it many times. Then I focused on the car. I erased the back left part of the fender so i could make it look like the car was behind the post. I started making stuff connected to the car and it just went from there. I am pretty satisfied. Next time I would focus more on the apples instead of the car.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Crazy Combos

on this project we had to make a non-existant animal out of real animal parts. I tried to keep all the animal parts as a orange-brown kind of color. The connections of the parts was hard to do but i used the smudge and blur tools and then the dodge and burn tools to make it look more realistic. I am satisfied with the work but next time i would try a completely new color pallet.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

history project 2

On this project we used the History brush tool in the same as the first history project before, but this time i left most of the picture desaturated. I wanted to make the top of the cake very bright so that it would contrast from the rest of the photo. I thought that the best place to originate the re-coloring was at the most important part of the cake, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY." I am satisfied with the work because the top really stands out from the rest of the picture and thats what i meant to happen. Next time i would try a tool within history brush so that the top of the cake would e colored but also darker.

Monday, September 12, 2011

History Brush Project

On this project, we had to desaturate our picture, make it black and white, and then add back color to certain parts of the picture, using a tool called History Brush. I tried to make the flames in my picture stand out more from the rest of the photo. The flames inspired me to contrast the ball with the flames, so i used some of the specific tools under history brush. I am satisfied with my work because it contrasts well. Next time i would change the background color to further exemplify the difference.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Music project

On this assignment we had to take an already made project and make it our own. On this project i focused more on the music notes and the people. Overlapping them was my first focus. I was hoping to make it look like it had a natural flow. I am satisfied with my work. I think it really shows the contrast between the rainbow layer and the dirtier colors of the graffiti. Next time i would darken the color of the band members and the music notes so that they stand out more from the graffiti.